I'm a jeweller without a studio, for this reason I've been focusing on materials that don't require a lot of equipment lately. I have been working with resin for a few years now, a material which I love for the way it accepts colour and embedded objects and pictures. I'm also very interested in acrylic plastic and I plan to work more with that in the near future as well. My designs are bold and colourful.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Metal Forming

Here's another project from my fourth semester at George Brown. I made this pendant in Metal Forming B. I utilized two different metal forming techniques to make it, the first being the Plunkett fold. The bottom part was die formed with the use of hammers and a die that I made specifically for this purpose.

This project stood out from the others for me, because I found the class to be much more relaxed than the others I had, and I think that helped me to work much more confidently and ultimately make fewer mistakes. I also haven't had much experience with metal forming, so this really opened my eyes to the plasticity and memory of certain metals.


Anonymous said...

Cute design.Do you have any more designs?

hydro mechanical metal forming

Alene said...

I wish I had more time to work with metal forming and come up with more designs. Unfortunately I haven't yet.

Thanks for your interest!